Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm an ambitious girl.  I don't say that to brag, it's just true.  I don't like getting a B when I know I can get an A.  I don't want to be a good teacher, I want to be the best.  I don't want to be a good Christian, I want to be an awesome one.  It's just the way I am, for better or worse.  I'm starting to come to grips with that.

So, my type A personality loves, loves, loves new beginnings.  I love the start of the school year, the new year, even Advent, the start of the church year.  I love Lent, too, but that's a whole other story.  It's a time to start over and become more perfect, right?  Become an even better me.

And, of course, I love me some resolutions.  My track record these past few years have been pretty decent, too.  Buy a house in 2008?  check.  Read the Bible in 2006?  check.  (There's been others that I've failed miserably at as well, but we're not focusing on those right now!)  And, although they've all helped me reach goals or made me a better person, that's not what I'm looking for this year.  

I want to remember 2009.  Do things out of my comfort zone.  Make memories I'll treasure for life.  So, I'm making a list of things to do in 2009.  It's not neccessarily anything individually that makes me a better person, but I think, as a whole, I will be.

So, here's my list:

1. Run a mile without stopping to walk.
2. Take a trip to Glen Rose to come face to face with the animal that terrifies me.  (It's also just a way cool place.)
3. Host a get-together every month.  I worked too hard for this house to not share it with everybody.
4. Wear my sassy shoes.  Bring comfy shoes to work for planning period if neccessary, but break out those babies!
5. Take a continuing ed class about art or photography.  I've been "meaning" to do this for years, and it's about time!
6.  Travel outside the state... where?  I don't know, but I don't travel near as much as I want to.
7.  Switch out a chemical I use for one that's more eco-friendly.  (I've bookmarked tons of recipes for cleaners, but if you've got one you love, please share!)

more to come, I'm sure, but here's what I got so far.  What resolutions do you have?  

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